The period from hell returned, so I kicked it to the curb with a pack of birth control I had. These last two weeks without a period have been soooo nice. It's gonna be sad when they're gone, lol. I mean, TTC is kind of pointless if I'm on the pill, but if I just constantly bleed when I'm not on it, then that's counterproductive too.
One more week of pills to go. I wish this pill countdown was to prepare my body for IVF or something. I'm just tired of not being a parent. Pregnant, adopting, doesn't matter. Just tired of being only little old me with my little old pets and my little old husband I don't see often enough.
We're less than a month away from our big yearly Chicago vacation, though! And Steve is taking me to the Bristol Renaissance Faire (over by the Wisconsin/Illinois border) because it's going to be PIRATE WEEKEND!!!!! Man... Chicago, the Aquarium, Floyd's, Ikea, Legoland, AND Pirate Weekend?! Squee overload. So much to cram into 3 days and I am SO very excited!